On Settlement in Maryland

Father Andrew White, S.J., "An Account of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltamore, in Maryland, near Virginia: in which the char acter, quality and state of the Country, and its numerous advan tages and sources of wealth are set forth," (1633), in Clayton Colman Hall (ed.), Narratives of Early Maryland, 1633-1684 (New York: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1910), 6-7.

Maryland was the last major English colony to be established on the continent of North America before the English civil war temporarily brought colonization to a halt. The promotional efforts leading to the establishment of Maryland differed significantly from those employed to establish Virginia or New England. Where the promoters of Virginia had been merchants and the promoters of New England the colonists themselves, the promoter of Maryland was a single nobleman, Lord Baltimore. The land on which Maryland took root had been granted by the king to Lord Baltimore to use as he saw fit. In becoming the proprietor and organizing the colony as his own feudal domain, Lord Baltimore designated it as a refuge for Catholics, who, being a minority in England like the Puritans, also felt restricted by the Church of England. The proprietor granted land to persons who would finance colonists to come to the New World, reserving for himself an annual quitrent from the land. Like New England, Maryland held out to prospective colonists the prospect of wider freedoms than they enjoyed in England and a potentially higher standard of living. The following document was written to entice people to join Lord Baltimore in the venture.

Wherefore the Most Noble Baron intends, by the aid of God, to sail for those parts, about the middle of next September; and to those whom he shall find to accompany and assist him in so glorious an undertaking, he offers many inducements, in the most generous and liberal spirit.

Of which this is the first and most important (to say nothing of those rewards of station and preferment, which will be liberally given in honor of worth, valor, fortitude and noble deeds), that whoever shall pay a hundred pounds, to carry over five men (which will be enough for arms, implements, clothing and other necessaries); whether they shall think best to join us themselves, or entrust the men and money to those, who shall have charge of this matter, or to any one else, to take care of them and receive their share of the lands: to all the men so sent, and to their heirs forever, shall be allotted the right to two thousand acres of good land. Besides this, if in the first expedition they prove themselves faithful followers, and do good service, they shall receive no small share in the profits of trade--of which bereafter- and in other privileges: concerning which they will be more fully informed, when they come to the aforesaid Baron. Moreover,, as to what was said before concerning a hundred pounds, this shall also be understood., in proportion, of a smaller or larger sum of money, whether given by one man, or contributed and furnished by several together.

The first and most important design of the Most Illustrious Baron, which also ought to be the aim of the rest, who go in the same ship, is, not to think so much of planting fruits and trees in a land so fruitful, as of sowing the seeds of religion and piety. Surely a design worthy of Christians, worthy of angels, worthy of Englishmen. The English nation, renowned for so many ancient victories, never undertook anything more noble or glorious than this. Behold the lands are white for the harvest, prepared for receiving the seed of the Gospel into a fruitful bosom. The Indians themselves are everywhere sending messengers, to seek after fit men to instruct the inhabitants in saving doctrine, and to regenerate them with the sacred water. There are also men here in the city, at this very time, who declare that they have seen ambassadors, who were sent by their kings for this same purpose to Jamestown in Virginia; and infants brought to New England to be washed in the saving waters. Who then can doubt, that by one such glorious work as this, many thousands of souls will be brought to Christ? I call the work of aiding and saving souls glorious: for it was the work of Christ, the King of Glory. For the rest, since all men have not such enthusiastic souls and noble minds, as to think of nothing but divine things, and to consider nothing but heavenly things; because most men are more drawn, secretly or openly, by pleasures, honor and riches,, it was ordained by the wonderful wisdom of God, that this one enterprise should offer to men every kind of inducement and reward.