Drop-In Advising

Drop-In Advising for Lower Division Students (0-59 Units)
Available: January 27 – January 30

Virtual Advising:
Complete this Google form to receive the Zoom link. This form will open 10 minutes before each virtual session and close 10 minutes before the drop in session ends. 

Monday, 1/27: 9:00–11:00 AM, 1:30–3:30 PM
Wednesday, 1/29: 9:00–11:00 AM, 1:30–3:30 PM

In-Person Advising:
Location: In the Student Services Center Building, at the Undergraduate Advising Hub 

Tuesday, 1/28: 9:00–11:00 AM, 1:30–3:30 PM
Thursday, 1/30: 9:00–11:00 AM, 1:30–3:30 PM