RTVF Program Pathways

Looking for a specific course pathway? Here is where you can delve deeper into the various courses that make up our RTVF pathways that allow you to customize your degree curriculum. 

RTVF Pathways

Critical Studies in Film and Media

Image of Critical Studies PDFA focus in Critical Studies in Film and Media [pdf] helps students refine their knowledge and skills in film history, critical theory, and media literacy—all of which are vital for careers in film and media-related industries.

Film & Television Production

Image of Film and TV Production PDFA pathway in Film & Television Production [pdf] focuses on developing the skills needed to communicate narrative ideas to their audiences in the critical areas of cinematography, directing, editing, sound design, production design, special effects, and all types of producing.

Radio Station: 90.5 FM KSJS

Image of Radio Station PDFParticipation in the Radio Station: 90.5 FM KSJS pathway [pdf] is open to all majors.  For nearly 60 years, 90.5 FM KSJS has offered students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working in a 24/7 FM broadcast and Internet radio station that provides the best alternative to commercial radio programming with its diverse selection of underrepresented music and public affairs. 


Screenwriting PathwayOur Screenwriting courses [pdf] have produced a lengthy and notable history of dominating important student screenwriting competitions. More importantly, multiple scripts written in these courses (RTVF 160 and RTVF 161) have been made into feature films.

Sound Production

SoundSound Production courses [pdf] are crafted to prepare you for a career in sound.