Program Learning Goals and Outcomes (PLO)


The following is a list of program learning outcomes for the Science Education Program as connected to our Master of Science Degree in Science Education. These PLOs describe the essential learning students can expect to achieve from the core or required courses in the degree plan. Specifically, they identify what the learner will know and/or be able to do upon completion of the culminating experience for the degree.

Program Learning Goal 1

To enhance student's depth and breadth of understanding of selected topics in science education. (See table 1 below) 

Program Learning Goal 2

To enhance communication skills, both written and oral, in science education discourse.

Table 1


Curriculum Map of Program Learning Outcomes Addressed by Required Courses for the MS in Science Education. The PLOs are listed along the top of the table and the course(s) that address the PLOs are listed on the side.


Y indicates that the PLO is addressed by the course.


Course 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
SCI 220 Y




SCED 273  




SCI 298/299