Grades, Drop Policies, Registration, Fees, Schedule

Policy No Subject Supersedes/
S22-6 [pdf] Adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses; the "W" symbol; and refunds related to withdrawals Rescinds University Policies S05-12 [pdf] and F04-2 [pdf], Amends University Policy F15-3 [pdf]  
S22-4 [pdf] Emergency short term loans for Students Rescinds S72-22 [pdf]  
F20-2 [pdf] Grading Changes to Support
Maximum Flexibility for SJSU Students During the Prolonged
COVID-19 Pandemic
Amendment A [pdf]  
F20-1 [pdf] Adding Classes After Advance Registration Rescinds S93-7 [pdf] Effective Immediately (December 8, 2020)
S20-9 [pdf] Instructor Drop Policy   Effective Immediately (June 9, 2020)
S20-7 [pdf] Temporary Modification to University Policies F18-5, Grading Policy, and S16-16, Probation and Disqualification due to Special Circumstances of COVID-19 Temporarily Amends F18-5 [pdf]and S16-16 [pdf] Effective Immediately through Spring 2020
S20-6 [pdf]


Rescinds University Policies F70-12 [pdf], F70-13 [pdf], and S73-21 [pdf]

Registration Privileges and Procedures, Registration Privileges for EOP Students, Registration

Rescinds F70-12 [pdf], F70-13 [pdf], and S73-21 [pdf]  
S20-1 [pdf] English Language Proficiency Requirement for SJSU Applicants

Rescinds F75-6 [pdf]

F18-5 [pdf] University Grading System Policy

Amendment A to F18-5 [pdf],

Temporarily amended by S20-7, [pdf] Rescinds S73-24 [pdf]S83-15 [pdf]F88-6 [pdf]S99-6 [pdf]S10-2 [pdf], and S11-5 [pdf]

F18-2 [pdf] Admission of Disqualified Students to Extension Courses Rescinds S73-10 [pdf]  
S18-11 [pdf] Rescinds S09-5, Priority Registration Rescinds  S09-5 [pdf]  
F17-2 [pdf] Conditional Admissions Rescinds S88-7 [pdf]  
S17-7 [pdf] Graduate Course Revalidation    
S17-5 [pdf] Required Enrollment for Culminating Graduate Students Rescinds and replaces F11-2 [pdf]  
S17-1 [pdf] Final Examinations, or Culminating Activities Policy Replaces S06-4 [pdf]  
S16-16 [pdf] Probation and Disqualification Amended by S19-2 [pdf](Amendment A), SM-F19-1 [pdf] (Amendment B), S20-7 [pdf] (Amendment C - Temporary), S16-16D [pdf] (Amendment D - Temporary), Rescinds S10-6 [pdf], S11-1 [pdf], and S15-5 [pdf]  
F15-12 [pdf] Attendance and Participation Rescinds F69-24 [pdf]  
S15-9 [pdf] Scheduling of Thanksgiving Holiday   Effective AY 2016-2017
S15-3 [pdf] Leaves of Absence for Students Rescinds S88-1 [pdf], and S93-1 [pdf] Effective March 18, 2015
F14-1 [pdf] Scheduling of Advance Registration and Priority Registration Amends Section 2 of S73-4 [pdf], Rescinds F11-3, [pdf] and F09-1 [pdf]  
F13-1 [pdf] Students' Rights to Timely Feedback on Class Assignments Rescinds F68-18 [pdf]  
F12-7 [pdf] Enrollment Priorities for Former Students Returning (FSRs)    
S12-4 [pdf] Appropriate Content for Material Containing SJSU Logo or Name See also PD-2008-01  
S11-5 [pdf] ABC/NC Grading Amends S10-2 [pdf], Amendment B to S09-7 [pdf]S99-6 [pdf]S95-5 [pdf], Section F  
S11-2 [pdf] Extension of Prime Time Scheduling Period Amends F98-4 [pdf]  
S10-2 [pdf] Removal of Mandated ABC/NC Grading for English 1A and 1B Amended by S11-5 [pdf], Amends S99-6 [pdf]S95-5 [pdf], sect. F,F88-6, [pdf]  
F09-2 [pdf] Policy on Late and Retroactive Enrollment   Effective Fall 2010
S09-7 [pdf] Grading Symbols, Drop and Withdrawal; Retroactive Drop and Retroactive Withdrawal; Assignment of Grades and Grade Appeals; Change of Grade; and Integrity of the Academic Record Amendment A (F10-3), [pdf] Amendment B [pdf], Rescinds S73-14 [pdf]S73-15 [pdf]S73-16 [pdf],S73-28 [pdf], and amends S07-6 [pdf]  
F08-2 [pdf] Repetition of Courses, Academic Renewal Amendment A to F08-2 [pdf], Amends S04-2 [pdf]; rescinds F78-3 [pdf],S94-4 [pdf]S00-10 [pdf], and F94-5 [pdf]  
S99-6 [pdf] Grading on Skills Courses Rescinds S90-9, clarifies F88-6 [pdf]  
S98-6 [pdf] Amendment to Statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities amends S90-5 [pdf], section 2  
F98-4 [pdf] Class Scheduling Amended by S11-2, [pdf] Rescinds S87-1 [pdf]  
S96-3 [pdf] Student Fee Itemization on Bills supplements S95-4 [pdf]  
S95-4 [pdf] Student Fees Reporting supplemented by S96-3  
S93-7 [pdf] Adding Classes after Touchtone Registration on the First Day of Classes    
S93-5 [pdf] Enrollment Verification Procedures, Drop Period, Census Date superceded F87-5 [pdf]  
S90-5 [pdf] Student Rights & Responsibilities, Ethics, Student Governance, EEO, Grievances, Disciplinary Action Section 2 amended by S98-6 [pdf],(superceded F70-11) [pdf]  
S89-10 [pdf] Undergraduate Academic Advising Supercedes S75-1 [pdf], S72-11 [pdf]  
F88-6 [pdf] Non-traditional Grading Credit/No Credit (Pass/Fail) Supercedes S73-12 [pdf] and S79-22 [pdf], (see also S99-6 [pdf])  
S87-10 [pdf] Exceptional Admission Reports    
S83-15 [pdf] Plus/Minus Grading System    
F80-6 [pdf] Schedule of Classes, variable title courses    
S79-7 [pdf] Advisor's Signature required on Registration forms    
S76-8 [pdf] Concurrent Enrollment    
F75-3 [pdf] Graduate Student Advising Policy    
S75-12 [pdf] Maximum Unit Load Summer/Winter