The purpose of the Community Partnerships core is to develop strategic partnerships
with community organizations to strengthen the community's capacity to promote healthy
aging among diverse groups of seniors.
Since 2009, the Department of Kinesiology, in collaboration with several other CASA
schools/colleges, has been operating the Timpany Center, a warm water pool and gymnasium
facility owned by Santa Clara County.
CHAMP faculty in the Department of Kinesiology received funding from The Health Trust
to lead a community partnership to ensure the on-going availability of evidence-based
health promotion programs for older adults in Santa Clara County.
Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - subcontract from the City of Fremont
Department of Human Services. Grant activities include developing curricula for training
older volunteers in various ethnic communities to provide information and referral
to elders who experience many barriers (language, transportation, lack of knowledge,
etc.) to understanding and using community services designed to maintain and promote
wellbeing. An evaluation of the training was conducted.
Funded by the Silicon Valley Council on Aging - subcontract from The Health Trust. Grant activities include the development and implementation of a training curriculum
for older volunteers to provide information and referral to elders at several senior
centers in Santa Clara County.
Hospital to Home Transition Planning Grant
Funded by The Health Trust – subcontract through Yu-Ai-Kai. Grant activities include developing curricula for
training older volunteers in various ethnic communities to assist elders manage the
transition from hospital discharge to the elder’s home; and program evaluation.
Academic Nurse Managed Centers
The Valley Foundation School of Nursing, Academic Nurse Managed Centers (NMCs) provide clinical settings for community health
and mental health clinical practica for undergraduate and graduate nursing students
while providing health promotion and illness prevention for diverse, multicultural
populations across the lifespan. The NMCs focus on community needs and collaborate
with community agencies to build partnerships to effectively serve the various populations
in Santa Clara & Santa Cruz counties. Services provided include blood pressure management
and screening, diabetic management (glucose monitoring), health education classes,
health promotion programs, medication education and monitoring, nutrition education,
and home visits. The NMCs incorporate a research focused, outcomes-based model to
monitor and document client progress and the outcomes of care.