2021 - 2024
- 2024 Publications
By CME Faculty
Dr. Anand Ramasubramanian
1. Jiang, D., K. Houck, L. Murdiyarso, H. Higgins, N. Rhoads, S. Romero, R. Kozar, A. Nascimbene, T. Gernsheimer, Z.A.C. Sanchez, A.K. Ramasubramanian, R. Adili, J.-f. Dong* (2024), “RBCs regulate platelet function and hemostasis under shear conditions through biophysical and biochemical means”, Blood, 144(14). 1521-1531.
2. Zakharov, A., M. Awan, A. Gopinath, S.-J.J. Lee, A.K. Ramasubramanian*, K. Dasbiswas* (2024), “Clots reveal anomalous elastic behavior of fiber networks”, Science Advances, 10(2). 17 pp. (Featured article).
Dr. Katy Kao
1. Khoi-Nguyen Nguyen, Leena Sao, Kevin Kyllo, Danitza Hernandez, Samantha Salomon, Kalp Shah, Dahyun Oh, Katy C Kao (2024), "Antibiofilm Activity of PDMS/TiO2 against Candida glabrata through Inhibited Hydrophobic Recovery", ACS Omega.
Dr. Christopher Lew
1. Park, Y. K., H. Koller, C. M. Lew, S. I. Zones, M. E. Davis* (2024), “Correlating Local Geometry to 11B NMR Chemical Shifts of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Boron in Molecular Sieves”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 128(25):10705-10713.
2. Bowden, L., D. Xie, C. M. Lew, J. E. Schmidt (2024), “Artificial Intelligence Directed Zeolite Synthesis”, US Patent 12,112,836.
Dr. Dahyun Oh
1. Khoi-Nguyen Nguyen, Leena Sao, Kevin Kyllo, Danitza Hernandez, Samantha Salomon, Kalp Shah, Dahyun Oh, Katy C Kao (2024), "Antibiofilm Activity of PDMS/TiO2 against Candida glabrata through Inhibited Hydrophobic Recovery", ACS Omega.
2. Maximillian Mueller, Terry McAfee, Patrick Naulleau, Dahyun Oh, Oleg Kostko (2024), "Study of electron-induced chemical transformations in polymers", Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology.
3. Jiaxin Zhang, Valeria Perez, ThomasJae Garcia, Dan-il Yoon, David Wagner, Yanika Schneider, Min Hwan Lee, Sang-Joon John Lee, Dahyun Oh (2024), "Competing effects of low salt ratio on electrochemical performance and compressive modulus of PEO-LiTFSI/LLZTO composite electrolytes", Energy Advances.
Dr. Yanika Schneider
1. Schultz, N., A. Fazli, S. Piros, Y. Barranco-Origel, P. DeLa Cruz, Y. Schneider* (2024), “Characterization of Mycelium Biocomposites under SimulatedWeathering Conditions”, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 7. 8408-8422
Dr. Santosh KC
1. Z. Wu, H. Malmir, O. Benafan, S. KC, and J. W. Lawson (2024), "Ab initio investigation of the martensitic phase transitions in ternary high temperature shape memory alloys PdxNi0.5−xTi0.5", Phys. Rev. Materials 8, 063605.
- 2023 Publications
By CME Faculty
Dr. Ozgur Keles
1. O. Keles, V. Brubaker-Gianakos , F. Marbouti, and V. Viswanathan, Experiential learning of engineering concepts in immersive virtual learning environments (VLEs), Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, (2023) Accepted.
2. P. Deshpande and O. Keles, “Effect of Graphene Quantum Dots on the Mechanical Properties of Bisphenol F-based epoxy,” American Society for Composites 38th Technical Conference, September 18-20 2023, Boston, MA, USA.
Dr. Anand Ramasubramanian
1. Zakharov, A., M. Awan, T. Cheng, A. Gopinath, S.-J.J. Lee, A.K. Ramasubramanian*, K. Dasbiswas* (2023), “Clots reveal anomalous elastic behavior of fiber networks”, bioRxiv, 10.1101/2023.03.24.534185.
2. Reddoch-Cardenas, K.M.*, H.F. Pidcoke, A.K. Ramasubramanian, M.A. Meledeo, A.P. Cap., (2023) “Hyperbaric treatment of platelets is comparable to cold storage alone over 14 days”, Transfusion, 63: S120-S125.
Dr. Dahyun Oh
1. D. Yoon, N. Mulay, J. Baltazar, D. Cao, J. Weker, M. Lee, R. Miller, D. Oh, S. Lee (2023), Softening of PEO-LiTFSI/LLZTO composite polymer electrolytes for solid-state batteries under cyclic compression, ACS Applied Energy Materials.
2. M. Mueller, T. McAfee, P. P Naulleau, D. Oh, O. Kostko (2023), Study of electron-induced chemical transformations in model resists Authors, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography.
- 2022 Publications
By CME Faculty
Dr. Ozgur Keles
1. J. Dei Rossi, O. Keles, and V. Viswanathan, “Fused Deposition Modeling with Induced Vibrations: A Study on the Mechanical Characteristics of Printed Parts,” Applied Sciences, 12 (2022) 9327.
2. S. Srinivasan and O. Keles, “Effect of raster angle on mechanical properties of 3D printed short carbon fiber reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene styrene,” Composites Communications, 32 (2022) 101163.
Dr. Anand Ramasubranian
1. Kaur, M., A. Ferreiro, C.Y. Hung, G. Dantas, A.K. Ramasubramanian* (2022), “A low-cost, high-throughput microfluidic nano-culture platform for functional metagenomics”, Biotechnology Progress, 13: e3317.
2. Sanchez, Z.A., V. Vignesha, D. Virasammy, L. Rosenfeld*, A.K. Ramasubramanian* (2022), “The interaction of vortical flows with red cells in venous valve mimics”, Biomicrofluidics, 16: 024103.
3. Bose, B., T. Downey, A.K. Ramasubramanian*, D.C. Anastasiu* (2022), “Identification of distinct characteristics of antibiofilm peptides and prospection of diverse sources for efficacious sequences”, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 783284.
4. Ho, E., J. Mulorz, J. Wong, M.U. Wagenhäuser, P.S. Tsao, A.K. Ramasubramanian, S.-J.J. Lee* (2022), “Nicotine affects murine aortic stiffness and fatigue response during supraphysiological cycling”, J. Biomech. Eng. 144(1): 011005.
Dr. Katy Kao
1. Mohammed Saad Faizan Bangi, Katy Kao, Joseph Sang-Il Kwon*. Physics-informed neural networks for hybrid modeling of lab-scale batch fermentation for β-carotene production using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2022. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2022.01.041.
Dr. Gautam Kumar
1. Schmalz, J. T., & Kumar, G. (2022). A computational model of dopaminergic modulation of hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 long-term plasticity. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 1-40.
2. Kathiravelu, P., Arnold, M., Fleischer, J., Yao, Y., Awasthi, S., Goel, A. K., ... & Mahmoudi, B. (2022). CONTROL-CORE: a framework for simulation and design of closed-loop peripheral neuromodulation control systems. IEEE Access, 10, 36268-36285.
3. Branen, A., Yao, Y., Kothare, M. V., Mahmoudi, B., & Kumar, G. (2022). Data driven control of vagus nerve stimulation for the cardiovascular system: An in silico computational study. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, 798157.
Dr. Santosh KC
1. S. KC, and R. Abolfath. "Towards the Ionizing Radiation Induced Bond Dissociation Mechanism in Oxygen, Water, Guanine and DNA Fragmentation: A Density Functional Theory Simulation." Scientific Reports, 12, 19853 (2022).
2. S. B. Sharma, I. Qattan, S. KC and S. Abedrabbo "First-Principles Prediction of New 2D p-SiPN: A Wide Bandgap Semiconductor" Nanomaterials 12(22), 4068 (2022)
3. S. B. Sharma, I.A. Qattan, S. KC, A.M. Alsaad, "Large Negative Poisson’s Ratio and Anisotropic Mechanics in New Penta-PBN Monolayer", ACS Omega, (2022).
4. G Benson et al., "Giant Effects of Interlayer Interaction on Valence-Band Splitting in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides", J. Phys. Chem. C, (2022.)
5.S B Sharma, Santosh KC, D Paudyal, "Enhanced optoelectronic and elastic responses in fluorinated penta-BCN." Appl. Surf. Sci. 153239 (2022).
6. R. Paudel, KC Santosh, S Adhikari, JC Zhu, S Ahmad, GC Kaphle, D. Paudyal, "Electronic and magnetic properties of iridium-based novel Heusler alloys", J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 555, 169405 (2022).
- 2021 Publications
By CME Faculty
Dr. Ozgur Keles
1. C.M. Fancher, O. Keles, M.C. Ehmke, and K.J. Bowman, Temperature dependence of field-response mechanisms in 0.4Ba(Zr0.2 Ti0.8)O3 – 0.6(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3, Applied Physics Letters, 119 (2021) 022904.
2. S. Luke , D. Soares , J. Marshall , J. Shedden, and O. Keles, “Effect of fiber content and fiber orientation on mechanical behavior of fused filament fabricated continuous-glass-fiber- reinforced nylon,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, 27 (2021) 1346–1354.
3. O. Keles, Y. He𝐺, and B. Sirkeci-Mergen, “Prediction of elastic stresses in porous materials using fully convolutional networks,” Scripta Materialia, 197 (2021) 113805.
4. A.K. Cress, J. Huynh , E.H. Anderson, R. O’neill , Y. Schneider and O. Keles, “Effect of recycling on the mechanical behavior and structure of additively manufactured acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS),” Journal of Cleaner Production, 179 (2021) 123689.
Dr. Anand Ramsubramanian
1. Pathare, S.J., W. Eng, S.-J.J. Lee*, A.K. Ramasubramanian* (2021), “Fibrin prestress due to platelet aggregation and contraction increases clot stiffness”, Biophysical Reports, 1(2): 100022.
2. Nair, P.M.*, M.A. Meledeo, A.R. Wells, X. Wu, K.P. Leung, B. Liu, A. Cheeniyil, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.W. Weisel, A.P. Cap (2021) “Contractile stress generation and retracted clot structural integrity are preserved in cold-stored platelets”, Transfusion 61: S68-S79.
3. Mulorz, J., M. Shayan, C. Hu, C. Alcazar, A. HP Chan, M. Briggs, Y. Wen, A.P. Walvekar, A.K. Ramasubramanian, J.M. Spin, B. Chen, P.S. Tsao, N.F. Huang* (2021), “Peri-adventitial delivery of smooth muscle cells in porous collagen scaffolds for treatment of experimental abdominal aortic aneurysm”, Biomaterials Science, 9(20): 6903-6914.
4. Cheng, T., N.S. Torres, P. Chen, A. Srinivasan, S. Cardona, K.P. Leung, J.L. Lopez-Ribot, A.K. Ramasubramanian* (2021), “A facile high-throughput model of surface independent Staphylococcus aureusbiofilms by spontaneous aggregation”, mSphere, 6(2): e00186-21. (Editor’s Pick)
5. Reddoch-Cardenas, K.M.*, G.C. Peltier, T.C. Chance, P.M. Nair, M.A. Meledeo, A.K. Ramasubramanian, A.P. Cap, J.A. Bynum (2021), “Cold storage of platelets in platelet additive solution maintains mitochondrial integrity by limiting initiation of apoptosis-mediated pathways”, Transfusion, 61(1): 178-190.
Dr. Katy Kao
1. Jibran Khan, Adam M. Guss, Katy C. Kao*. Enhancing transcription in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida using bacteriophage lambda anti-terminator protein Q. Biotech Letters. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10529-021-03206-x.
2.Pei-En Weng, Alexander Gooyandeh, Muhammad Tariq, Tianyu Li, Avinash Godara, Jocelyn Valenzuela, Steven Mancini, Samuel Ming Tuk Yeung, Ruth Sosa, David R. Wagner, Rohan Dhall, Nicole Adelstein, Katy Kao*, Dahyun Oh*. Microbe-Assisted Nanocomposite Anodes for Aqueous Li-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c07309.3. Man Li, Zhi-Hua Liu Liu, Naijia Hao, Michelle L. Olson, Qiang Li, Samarthya Bhagia, Katy Kao, Arthur Jonas Ragauskas, Shangxian Xie, Joshua S Yuan*. Synergistic Improvement of Carbohydrate and Lignin Processability by Biomimicking Biomass Processing. Frontiers in Energy Research. 2021. 8, 1318. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2020.00194.
Dr. Santosh KC
1. S R Bhandari, S KC, S Lawaju, RK Thapa, GC Kaphle, MP Ghimire, "Electronic structure and estimation of Curie temperature in Ca2BIrO6 (B = Cr, Fe) double perovskites", J. App. Phys. 130 (17), 173902 (2021).
Dr. Dahyun Oh
1. P. Weng, A. Gooyandeh, M. Tariq, T. Li, A. Godara, J. Valenzuela, S. Mancini, S. Yeung, R. Sosa, D. Wagner, R. Dhall, N. Adelstein, K. Kao, D. Oh, Microbe-Assisted Nanocomposite Anodes for Aqueous Li-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 10.1021/acsami.1c07309
2. N. Mulay, D. Oh, D. Yoon, S. Lee, Effect of Cyclic Compression on Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic-in-Polymer Composite Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Conference, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2021 10.1115/IMECE2021-69196