Hazardous Materials Storage
Storage Requirements
- DO NOT store hazardous chemicals or liquids above eye-level (about 6 ft.).
- DO NOT store hazardous chemicals on the floor, in sinks, benchtops, or in chemical fume hoods.
- DO NOT store hazardous materials in offices, classrooms, or break areas.
- ALWAYS use secondary containment. Secondary container volume needs to be 110% of the primary container(s).
- Use a chemical segregation strategy to ensure that incompatible chemicals are not stored together.
- Hazardous material storage cabinets, fridges, & freezers must be approved though Fixtures, Furniture, & Equipment Permit before purchase/donation & installation.
- When ordering a chemical for the first time, submit a Chemical Procurement Request Form to confirm your storage is sufficient.
For more information about storage requirements for specific hazard classes, refer
to Chemical Hygiene Plan.