Paul Knepper, Ph.D.

Dr. Paul Knepper

Department Chair

Ph.D., Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ



Contact Information:

Phone: 408-924-1350
Office: MH 524A

About Dr. Paul Knepper:

Paul Knepper received his Ph.D. in Justice Studies from the School of Justice Studies and Social Transformation at Arizona State University. For twelve years, he worked at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom where he was professor of criminology in the School of Law. He served as editor-in-chief, European Journal of Criminology, and as an associate editor of the Oxford Research Reviews in Criminology series. Since 2013, he has been visiting professor of criminology at the School of Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Areas of Interest:

  • Trafficking and transnational criminal law,
  • Historical science as a methodology
  • Comparative legal history involving race/ethnicity.

Recent Publications:

Paul Knepper and Anja Johansen, eds, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Crime and Criminal Justice.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Paperback edition 2019.

Paul Knepper, “Second Science? The Future of Historical Science in Criminology” pp 119-137 in Graham Farrell and Aiden Sidebottom, eds, Realist Evaluation for Crime Science: Essays in Honour of Nick Tilly. London: Routledge, 2019.

Paul Knepper “Twin Sciences? The History of Forensic Science and Criminology” Pp 7-17 in Quentin Rossy, David Décary-Hétu, Olivier Delémont, and Massimiliano Mulone, eds, International Handbook of Forensic Intelligence and Criminology.  London: Routledge, 2018.

Paul Knepper, “Theorising a Forensic Model of Crime Prevention” Pp. 50-66 in Danielle Reynalds and Benoit LeClerc, eds, Criminology at the Edge: The Future of Rational Choice for Crime Prevention London: Routledge, 2018.

Paul Knepper “Historical Approaches to Crime, Media and Popular Culture” in Michelle Brown and Gray Cavender, eds, The Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Crime, Media and Popular Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Paul Knepper, “Jeremy Bentham and Historical Criminology” Pp 183-186 in Scott Jacques and Philip Schofield, eds, Jeremy Bentham on Police: The Unknown Story andWhat It Means for Criminology. (London: UCL Press, 2021)

Paul Knepper, “August Vollmer, Traffic in Women, and the Theory of Organized Crime” Social Sciences (MDPI) 11 (2022) 283-298.

Paul Knepper, “Cesare Lombroso: An Unconventional Biography” Pp 53-69 in Stefano Sandrone and Lorenzo Lorusso, eds, The Birth of Modern Neuroscience in Turin. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2022)

Paul Knepper, “Being the First: Women and the Memory of San Jose Police School, 1930-1964” Journal of Criminal Justice (in press)

Paul Knepper, “Cesare Lombroso and the Body in the Morgue” in Stephen Macdonald and Donna Peacock, eds, Routledge Handbook of Disability, Crime and Justice. New York: Routledge (forthcoming)

Paul Knepper, “Theories of Crime and Offending in American History” in James Campbell and Vivien Miller, eds, The Routledge History of Crime in America. New York: Routledge (forthcoming)

Paul Knepper, “Historical Methods in Criminology” in Henry Pontell, ed, Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming)