Course Syllabi
Spring 2025
- Dr. Cole Armstrong
KIN 281 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Sport
- Bud Ayers
KIN 45A Beginning Lindy Hop & Night Club Swing
KIN 46A Beginning Social Dance
KIN 48A Beginning Latin Dance
- Yovana Babic
KIN 21A Beginning Tennis
KIN 21B Intermediate Tennis
- Dr. Thomas Beggs
KIN 69 Stress Management
- Martha Behler
KIN 19A Beginning Soccer
KIN 19B Intermediate Soccer
- Dr. Matthew Bejar
KIN 176 Exercise Psychology
KIN 276 Advanced Exercise Psychology
- Martin Bilello
KIN 16A Team Handball
- Daniel Bohigian
KIN 161 Philosophy of Sport
- Dr. Stanley Butler
KIN 15A Beginning Basketball
KIN 15B Intermediate Basketball
KIN 35A Beginning Weight Training
- Dr. Ted Butryn
KIN 164 Socioculteral Perspectives
KIN 251 Fundamentals of Qualitative Research
- Lei Cai
KIN 20A Beginning Badminton
KIN 20B Intermediate Badminton
KIN 20C Advanced Badminton
KIN 27A Beginning Table Tennis
- Marcos Cepin
KIN 162 Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription
- Dr. Seung Ho Chang
KIN 165 Motor Development
KIN 175 Measurement and Evaluation
KIN 250 Fundamentals of Quantitative Research
- Dr. Gong Chen
KIN 27A Beginning Table Tennis - Section 1
KIN 27A Beginning Table Tennis - section 2
KIN 50 Tai Chi
KIN 55A Beginning Self Defense - Section 1
KIN 55A Beginning Self Defense - Section 2
- Dr. Jessica Chin
KIN 70 Introduction to Kinesiology
KIN 100W Writing Workshop
- Dr. Craig Cisar
KIN 155 Exercise Physiology
KIN 256 Environmental Exercise Physiology
- Roger Coldiron
KIN 105 Water Safety Instructor's Course
- Matthew Crockett
KIN 100W Writing Workshop
KIN 101 Sport in America
KIN 169 Diversity, Stress, & Health - Section 1
KIN 169 Diversity, Stress, & Health - Section 2
- Dr. Michael Dao
KIN 160 History of Sport & Physical Education
- Dr. David Daum
KNED 184YZ Student Teaching
- James Fonda
KIN 13A Beginning Rugby
KIN 35A Beginning Weight Training
KIN 37 Fitness Walking
KIN 38 Beginning Jogging
- Nicolas Fraire
KIN 23A Beginning Archery
KIN 23B Intermediate Archery
- Michelle Gentry-Self
KIN 62A Beginning Ice Skating
- Dr. Farzaneh Ghiasvand
KIN 34 Step Training
KIN 165 Motor Development
- Lemi Hayashi
KIN 01 Adapted Physical Activities
- Dr. Areum Jensen
KIN 187 Clinical Exercise Physiology
KIN 287 Advanced Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Dr. Li Jin
KIN 158 Biomechanics
- Alberto Juarez
KIN 58A Introductory Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Kristine Kirkendall
KIN 63A Beginning Hiking & Backpacking
- Rebecca Kling
KIN 100W Writing Workshop
- Dr. Jihyun Lee
KIN 107 Adapted Aquatics
KIN 156 Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity
KIN 174 Assessment of Psychomotor Function
- Nicole Levine
KIN 61A Beginning Hatha Yoga
KIN 69 Stress Management
- Michael Linnik
KIN 18A Beginning Handball
KIN 18B Intermediate Handball
- Jaudai Lopes
KIN 28A Beginning Gymnastics
- Christopher May
KIN 02A Beginning Swimming
KIN 02B Intermediate Swimming
KIN 02C Advanced Swimming
- Arman Medina
KIN 100W Writing Workshop
- Daniel Melton
NuFS/KIN 163 Physical Fitness & Nutrition
- Aaron Miller
KIN 111 Sport & Movement in a Global Context
KIN 164 Sociocultural Perspectives
- Alayna Mills
KIN 100W Writing Workshop
- Dr. Richard Montgomery
KIN 35A Beginning Weight Training
KIN 35B Intermediate Weight Training
- Mariella Morales
KIN 61A Beginning Hatha Yoga
- Dr. Karen Moreno
KIN 69 Stress Management - Section 3
KIN 69 Stress Management - Section 4
NuFS/KIN 163 Physical Fitness & Nutrition - Section 82
NuFS/KIN 163 Physical Fitness & Nutrition - Section 83
- Daniel Murphy
KIN 68 Visual Representations of Sport in Popular Culture
KIN 111 Sport & Movement in a Global Context
KIN 168 Psychology of Coaching
KIN 169 Diversity, Stress, & Health - Section 80
KIN 169 Diversity, Stress, & Health - Section 81
- Miles Pascal-Gonzales
KIN 31 Body Sculpting
- Lee Pate
KIN 35A Beginning Weight Training
KIN 36 Conditioning through Cross Training
- Terry Piper
KIN 179 Design & Assessment of Movement Experiences
- Dr. Peggy Plato
KIN 154B ECG Interpretations & Graded Exercise Testing
KIN 157 Physiological Assessment
- Dr. Shirley Reekie
KIN 185 Senior Seminar - Section 2
KIN 185 Senior Seminar - Section 3
KIN 185 Senior Seminar - Section 4
KIN 185 Senior Seminar - Section 5
- Dr. Sherveen Riazati
KIN 147 Biomechanical Assessment of Movement
- Stephen Richardson
NuFS/KIN 163 Physical Fitness & Nutrition
- Peter Rodriquez
KIN 53A Beginning Karate
KIN 53B Intermediate Karate
- Kayla Rooney
KIN 159 Sport & Adapted Activities
- Kelsea Rossow
KIN 08 Scuba Diving
- Dr. Jennifer Schachner
KIN 54A Beginning Taekwondo
KIN 54B Intermediate Taekwondo
- Veneita Schult
KIN 29 Cardio Kickboxing
KIN 61A Beginning Hatha Yoga
- Dr. Erin Siebert
KIN 108 Adapted Physical Activity for Young Adults with Disabilities
- David Stanton
KIN 14A Beginning Volleyball
KIN 14B Intermediate Volleyball
KIN 14C Advanced Volleyball
- Cristian Tanase
KIN 03 Water Polo
- Alev Tug
KIN 31 Body Sculpting
KIN 34 Step Training
NuFS/KIN 163 Physical Fitness & Nutrition
- Jack Wada
KIN 51A Beginning Aikido
KIN 51B Intermediate Aikido
- Tyler Ward
KIN 25A Beginning Golf
KIN 25B Intermediate Golf
- Shannon Webb
KIN 166 Motor Learning
KIN 167 Sport Psychology
KIN 185 Senior Seminar
- Dr. Chi-Hsiu Weng
KIN 50 Tai Chi - Section 2
KIN 50 Tai Chi - Section 3
- Chris Whalen
KIN 25A Beginning Golf
- David Wiliams
KIN 52A Beginning Judo
KIN 52B Intermediate Judo
- Dr. A Lamont Williams
KIN 152 Theory of Sport & Fitness Management
KIN 284 Financial Aspects of Sport
- Naomi Williams
KIN 100W Writing Workshop
- Barani Win
KIN 30 Pilates
KIN 32 Aerobics
KIN 34 Step Training
KIN 61A Beginning Hatha Yoga
- Dr. Emily Wughalter
KIN 166 Motor Learning
KIN 266 Principles & Concepts of Perceptual Motor Learning
- Jordan Yamiguez
KIN 31 Body Sculpting
KIN 35A Beginning Weight Training