Spring 2025

Effective Spring 2025 per the revised University Policy S17-1 [pdf], the Culminating Activities and Final Examination Period schedule will begin at 8:30 am rather than 7:30 am. All slots will be two (2) hours in length rather than two hours (2) and fifteen (15) minutes.

Classes with meeting times other than those identified in the below Culminating Activities and Final Examinations Schedule, or which cannot be held at the scheduled time, should utilize the Make-Up period provided. 

Classes with two meeting patterns should schedule using the first meeting pattern listed in MySJSU (PeopleSoft). 

Online/Hybrid classes without a designated day and time, (TBA) as their first (or only) meeting pattern, should utilize the Online/Hybrid Classes section provided. 

Online/Hybrid classes with a designated day and time, as their first (or only) meeting pattern, should utilize the schedule as identified in the appropriate section (Group I, Group II, Late Afternoon, Night, or Saturday).

Finals Resources: To support students during the Culminating Activities and Final Examinations Period, offices and departments across campus host events, study spaces, tutoring programs, and provide resources.

Group I | Group II | Late Afternoon | Night | Saturday | Online/Hybrid | Make-Up | Common Final Examinations for MATH Classes | Exceptions

Group I Classes

Group I classes are those classes which meet M, W, F, MTW, MWR, MTWF, MWRF, MTWRF, MW, WF, MWF, MF, TW, WR, MT, WS.

Regular Class Start Times Final Examination Days Final Examination Times
7:00 through 8:25 AM Thursday, May 15 8:30-10:30 AM
8:30 through 9:25 AM Monday, May 19 8:30-10:30 AM
9:30 through 10:25 AM Wednesday, May 14 8:30-10:30 AM
10:30 through 11:25 AM Friday, May 16 10:45 AM-12:45 PM
11:30 AM through 12:25 PM Tuesday, May 20 10:45 AM-12:45 PM
12:30 through 1:25 PM Thursday, May 15 1:00-3:00 PM
1:30 through 2:25 PM Monday, May 19 1:00-3:00 PM
2:30 through 3:25 PM Wednesday, May 14 1:00-3:00 PM
3:30 through 4:25 PM* Friday, May 16 3:15-5:15 PM
4:30* through 5:25 PM* Tuesday, May 20 3:15-5:15 PM

*Classes with start times between 4:25 through 5:25 PM, which meet only once per week for more than two hours, will follow the same schedule as "Late Afternoon Classes."

Classes with meeting times other than those identified in the Culminating
Activities and Final Examinations Schedule, or which cannot be examined at the scheduled time, should utilize the "Make-Up" period provided.

Group II Classes

Group II classes are those classes which meet TR, T, R, TWR, MTR, TRF, MTRF, MTWR, TWRF, RF, RFS,TF, TRS.

Regular Class Start Times Days Times
7:00 through 8:25 AM Friday, May 16 8:30-10:30 AM
8:30 through 9:25 AM Tuesday, May 20 8:30-10:30 AM
9:30 through 10:25 AM Thursday, May 15 10:45 AM-12:45 PM
10:30 through 11:25 AM Monday, May 19 10:45 AM-12:45 PM
11:30 AM through 12:25 PM Wednesday, May 14 10:45 AM-12:45 PM
12:30 through 1:25 PM Friday, May 16 1:00-3:00 PM
1:30 through 2:25 PM Tuesday, May 20 1:00-3:00 PM
2:30 through 3:25 PM Thursday, May 15 3:15-5:15 PM
3:30 through 4:25 PM* Monday, May 19 3:15-5:15 PM
4:30* through 5:25 PM* Wedsday, May 14 3:15-5:15 PM

*Classes with start times between 4:25 through 5:25 PM, which meet only once per week for more than two hours, will follow the same schedule as "Late Afternoon Classes."

Classes with meeting times other than those identified in the Culminating
Activities and Final Examinations Schedule, or which cannot be examined at the scheduled time, should utilize the "Make-Up" period provided.

Late Afternoon Classes

Late afternoon and night classes meeting more than once per week should schedule their Culminating Activities and Final Examinations on the earliest possible date. Example: final exam for ENGL 1A which meets on MWF from 6:00-7:30 PM should be scheduled on Wednesday, May 14 from 5:15-7:30 PM (not Monday, May 19).

Regular Class Start Times Days Times
Monday 5:30 through 6:25 PM   Monday, May 19 5:30-7:30 PM
Tuesday 5:30 through 6:25 PM  Tuesday, May 20 5:30-7:30 PM
Wednesday 5:30 thru 6:25 PM  Wednesday, May 14 5:30-7:30 PM
Thursday 5:30 through 6:25 PM  Thursday, May 15 5:30-7:30 PM
Friday 5:30 through 6:25 PM  Friday, May 16 5:30-7:30 PM

Night Classes

Late afternoon and night classes meeting more than once per week should schedule their Culminating Activities and Final Examinations on the earliest possible date. Example: final exam for ENGL 1A which meets on MWF from 6:30-7:45 PM should be scheduled on Wednesday, May 14 from 7:45-10:00 PM (not Monday, May 19).

Regular Class Start Times Days Times
Monday 6:30 PM or Later Monday, May 19 7:45-9:45 PM
Tuesday 6:30 PM or Later Tuesday, May 20 7:45-9:45 PM
Wednesday 6:30 PM or Later Wednesday, May 14 7:45-9:45 PM
Thursday 6:30 PM or Later Thursday, May 15 7:45-9:45 PM
Friday 6:30 PM or Later Friday, May 16 7:45-9:45 PM

Saturday Classes

All Saturday classes will administer Culminating Activities and Final Examinations on Saturday, December 14, at the regularly scheduled class start time, for 2 hours.

Online Classes/Hybrid Classes

Online/Hybrid classes without a designated day and time, (TBA) as their first (or only) meeting pattern, are to administer their Culminating Activities and Final Examinations during any of the following time periods: 

Days Times
Thursday, May 15 5:30-7:30 PM
Thursday, May 15 7:45-9:45 PM
Friday, May 16 5:30-7:30 PM
Friday, May 16 7:45-9:45 PM
Wednesday, May 21 All day

Make-Up Exams

Any make-up Culminating Activities and Final Examinations are held on Wednesday, December 18 (all day).

Common Final Examinations for MATH Classes

Common Final Examinations for MATH classes apply to the following courses: MATH 1, 18A, 19, 30, 30X, 31, 31X, 32, 32X, 42, 42X, 70, and 70X. These courses administer common finals which do not follow the standard schedule for Culminating Activities and Final Examinations Period schedule. Questions should be addressed to the Department of Mathematics & Statistics. Subject to change. 

Courses Day Times
MATH 19, 30, and 30X Saturday, May 17 8:30-10:30 AM
MATH  31, 31X, 32, and 32X 

Saturday, May 17

11:00 AM-1:00 PM
MATH 42, 42X, 70, and 70X

Saturday, May 17

1:30-3:30 PM
MATH 1, 18A  Saturday, May 17 4:00-6:00 PM


Per the Culminating Activities and Final Examinations Policy students and instructors may request  appropriate exceptions for Culminating Activities and Final Examinations.

Students may request an excused absence for a culminating activity (S22-2 [pdf]) or rescheduling of a culminating activity (S17-1 [pdf]) if their schedule results in three or more culminating activities or final exams held/due within a 24-hour period. Requests must be made at least three weeks prior to the last class instructional day of the semester. 

Instructor exceptions will normally be requested before the start of the term and approved by the dean's office and then included in the syllabus. The Spring 2025 deadline for requesting exceptions is February 19, 2025.