Faculty Office Hours


Name Office   Phone   Office Hours Email
Bellegarda, Eveline ENG 347A 924-3950 M 1500-1600 online with zoom link in Canvas  eveline.bellegarda@sjsu.edu
Chang, Choo ENG 253 924-3980 T 1530-1615, F 1430-1515, Please sign up on the appointment book  chang.choo@sjsu.edu
Ghadiri, Khosrow ENG 255 924-3916 W 1145-1330 & MTWR 1615-1630 or by appointment  k.ghadiri@sjsu.edu
Hamedi-Hagh, Sotoudeh ENG 381 924-4041 TR 1015-1130 or by appointment  sotoudeh.hamedi-hagh@sjsu.edu
Hiriyannaiah, Harish ENG 347A 924-3950 R 1930-2030 or by appointment harish.hiriyannaiah@sjsu.edu
Hsu, Ping ENG 375 924-3902 MW 1330-1400 or by appointment  ping.hsu@sjsu.edu
Jadhav, Shrikant ENG 367 924-7279 MW 1200-1300 or by appointment  shrikant.jadhav@sjsu.edu
Jeyasingh, Rakesh ENG 347A  924-3950 MW 1600-1630 via zoom by appointment jeyasingh.rakesh@sjsu.edu
Jones, Morris ENG 295 924-3950 M 1400-1445 & T 1500-1400 or by appointment  morris.jones@sjsu.edu
Kim, Jeonghee (John) ENG 351 924-3950 TR 0900-1000 or by appointment  jeonghee.kim@sjsu.edu
Kwok, Ray ENG 351 924-3950 MW 1745-1845 or by appointment raymond.kwok@sjsu.edu
Le, Binh Qi ENG 347A 924-3950 F 1730-1830 or by appointment  binh.q.le@sjsu.edu
Le, Thuy ENG 349 924-5708 Student appointment:
(Instructions: Select "Advising" - "Office Hours" - "Department Chair
Office Hours")
Lee, Sang-Soo ENG 187 924-3950 TW 1700-1730 or by appointment  sang-soo.lee@sjsu.edu
Marouf, Essam ENG 353 924-3969 R 1200-1300 essam.marouf@sjsu.edu
Mir, Nader F ENG 251 924-3986 MW 1300-1330 & 1615 -1645 or by appointment  nader.mir@sjsu.edu
Morelos-Zaragoza, Robert H ENG 373 924-3879
TR 1300-1430
Nguyen, Tan Van ENG 175 924-3920 MW 0930-1030 & MTWR 1700-1800or by appointment  tan.v.nguyen@sjsu.edu
Okyar, Murat ENG 347A 924-3950 TR 2045-2115 or by appointment  murat.okyar@sjsu.edu
Parent, David  ENG 355 924-3963 Appointment Link or by email  david.parent@sjsu.edu
Pedram Razi, Yazdan ENG 383  924-3950 TR 2100-2200 or by appointment yazdan.pedramrazi@sjsu.edu
Pham, Christopher ENG 175 924-3950 MW 1840-1920 or by appointment  christopher.h.pham01@sjsu.edu
Rejeb, Jalel ENG 377 924-4007 W 1330-1430 or by appointment jalel.rejeb@sjsu.edu
Singh, Bhawandeep Harsh ENG 307 924-3950 MW 1730-1800 bhawandeepsingh.harsh@sjsu.edu
Tarng, Chao-Li ENG 187 924-3970 T 1430-1530 or by appointment chaoli.tarng@sjsu.edu
Wong, Hiu-Yung ENG 363 924-3910 Appointment or by email  hiuyung.wong@sjsu.edu
Wrappe, Thomas ENG 175 924-3950 MW 1645-1755 or by appointment  thomas.wrappe@sjsu.edu
Zhao, Juzi ENG 371 924-3993 MW 1330-1500 juzi.zhao@sjsu.edu