Our Faculty
By Last Name
Name | Office and Contact | |||||||
Yasmeen Abdeljabbar Teaching Associate |
Faculty Offices 222 Office Hours: |
Ume Ali Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 213 Office Hours: |
Selena Anderson Associate Professor; Director, Center for Literary Arts |
Faculty Offices 105 Office Hours: W 6-7PM and by appointment (in person) |
Gina Arnold Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 223 Office Hours: |
Liz Asborno Teaching Associate |
Faculty Offices 115 Office Hours: TTR 12-1PM (in person or Zoom) |
Sophie Aust Teaching Associate |
Faculty Offices 217 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 114 Office Hours: |
Jennifer Bean Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 224 Office Hours: MW 4:45 - 5:45PM and by appointment (Zoom) |
Chair; Professor |
Faculty Offices 103 Office Hours: TR 3-5PM (in person or Zoom) |
Lilly Chen Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 221 Office Hours: |
Anne Cheilek Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 226 Office Hours: |
Sara Cook Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 109 Office Hours: TTR 12-1PM (in person) |
Chelsea Criez Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 215 Office Hours: MW 1:30-2:30PM (in person) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 118 Office Hours: |
Alexander Davis |
Christopher Dizon Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 115 Office Hours: T 8-10AM (Zoom, by appointment) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 215 Office Hours: |
Associate Chair; Professor; Curriculum Coordinator PhD, University of California, San Diego |
Faculty Offices 116 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 223 Office Hours: TR 1:15-2PM (Zoom) |
Jordan Ellis Teaching Associate |
Faculty Offices 118 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 223 Office Hours: |
Michael Ford Teaching Associate |
Faculty Offices 220 Office Hours: |
Meghan Gorman-DaRif Assistant Professor |
Faculty Offices 216 Office Hours: |
Allison Gregory Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 218 Office Hours: |
Professor; Director of Public Programming |
Faculty Offices 214 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 212 Office Hours: TTR 10:30-11:30AM and by appointment (Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 111 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Clark Hall 408E Office Hours: |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty Offices 108 Office Hours: MW 4-6PM (in person) |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty Offices 105 Office Hours: TTR 1-2PM and by appointment (Zoom) |
Erik Johnson |
Faith Kirk Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 217 Office Hours: W 10AM-12PM (Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Clark Hall 419 Office Hours: |
Professor, MA Advisor, and Graduate Coordinator |
Faculty Offices 109 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 111 Office Hours: By appointment (Zoom) |
Vee Lawson Assistant Professor |
Faculty Offices 108 Office Hours: MW 3-4PM (in person) and by appointment (Zoom) |
Raina Levesque Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 220 Office Hours: F 3-5PM (Zoom) |
Kay Liou Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 115 Office Hours: By appointment (Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 112 Office Hours: TTR 12-1PM (Zoom) |
Assistant Professor |
Office Hours: |
Brook McClurg Assistant Professor; Editor in Chief, Reed Magazine |
Faculty Offices 128 Office Hours: |
Ralph McKay Lecturer |
Office Hours: |
Professor |
Faculty Offices 217 Office Hours: MW 1:15-2:30PM (Zoom) |
Samuel Michael Teaching Associate |
Faculty Offices 213 Office Hours: MW 3-4:30PM (in person) |
Alayna Mills MFA, San José State University |
Faculty Offices 226 Office Hours: MW 4:30-5:30PM (in person or Zoom) |
Professor; |
Faculty Offices 117 Office Hours: MW 2:30-3:30PM (Zoom) |
Professor; |
Faculty Offices 214 Office Hours: TR 11AM-12PM (in person or Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 221 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Office Hours: By appointment (Zoom) |
Joseph Navarro Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 220 Office Hours: |
Associate Professor |
Faculty Offices 128 Office Hours: T 5-7PM (in person) |
Lecturer |
Sweeney Hall 223 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 215 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 107 Office Hours: TW 10:30-11:30AM (in person) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 226 Office Hours: W 12-1PM (in person) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 224 Office Hours: T 3-4PM and by appointment (Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 212 Office Hours: MW 9:15-10:15AM (in person); T 11:30AM-12:30PM (Zoom) |
Assistant Professor; Director of Steinbeck Center |
Clark Hall 420C Office Hours: MW 11:10-11:40AM (in person) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 107 Office Hours: TR 12-1PM and by appointment (in person or Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 112 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 221 Office Hours: |
Associate Professor; Director, First-Year Writing Program; Teaching Associates Coordinator |
Faculty Offices 111 Office Hours: N/A |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 221 Office Hours: TTR 12:15-1:15PM (in person) |
Lecturer; Coordinator, Stretch English |
Faculty Offices 219 Office Hours: |
Lecturer; Former Managing Editor, Reed Magazine |
Faculty Offices 114 Office Hours: |
Professor [pdf] |
Faculty Offices 218 Office Hours: M 3-4PM (Zoom); TR 8-9AM (Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 127 Office Hours: |
Nica Constante Tanaka |
Faculty Offices 218 Office Hours: |
Professor; |
Faculty Offices 106 Office Hours: TR 1:30-3PM and by appointment (in person or Zoom) |
Associate Professor; |
Faculty Offices 110 Office Hours: T 2-3:45PM by appointment (in person or Zoom) |
Victoria Thorp Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 112 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 219 Office Hours: |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 118 Office Hours: F 10AM-4PM (Zoom) |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty Offices 216 Office Hours: TTR 4:30-5:30PM (in person) and by appointment (Zoom) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 117 Office Hours: TTR 12-1PM (in person) |
Professor; |
Faculty Offices 127 Office Hours: M 1-5PM; W 10:30AM-12PM and 2:30-5:30PM; F 2:30-5PM (all in person) |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 115 Office Hours: TTR 11:15AM-12PM (in person, by appointment); TTR 1:30-2:30PM (Zoom, by appointment) |
Laurie Weckesser Lecturer |
Lecturer |
Faculty Offices 222 Office Hours: |