
SJSU Resources

MLA Style, Dictionaries, & Handbooks

Avoiding Plagiarism

Digital Literary Resources

Text Recommendations

(Purchase through AmazonPowells or Barnes & Noble)

  • Lemire, Tim. I'm an English Major, Now What? Writers Digest Books, 2006.
  • Semenza, Gregory Colon. Graduate Study for the Twenty-First Century: How to Build an Academic Career in the Humanities.Palgrave, 2005.
  • Altick, Richard. The Art of Literary Research. 4th ed. Norton, 1992.
  • Appleman, Deborah. Critical Encounters in High School English: Teaching Literary Theory to Adolescents. NY: TCP, 2000.
  • Carey-Webb, Allen. Literature & Lives: A Response-Based, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching English. Urbana: NCTE, 2001.

Research Resources

Professional Writing & Presentations
