Student Nurse Organizations

Photo of Alpha Tau Delta memebers, in front of the Tower Building on SJSU Campus.

In addition to robust faculty support, our students can find peer support through numerous student groups, including:

Sigma Theta Tau International

Honor Society of Nursing, Alpha Gamma Chapter

Logo of Sigma Theta Tau Honors Society

Alpha Gamma is a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, nursing's honor society. Its purpose is to recognize the excellence of individual San José State University undergraduate nursing students, graduate nursing students, and nurse leaders in the community.

The chapter facilitates professional growth through the development, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge, and through the provision of resources. Chapter activities, supported by membership dues, promote high standards of nursing practice, research, scholarship, and leadership in its members. They, in turn, positively influence the health and well-being of the community. Formed on May 6, 1963, Alpha Gamma Chapter is the 25th chapter established at Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

Alpha Tau Delta, a professional nursing fraternity

Alpha Tau Delta (ATD) is a professional nursing fraternity committed to providing an intra-fraternal spirit of cooperation by offering an opportunity for nurses and nursing students to promote their personal and intellectual growth through education, networking, scholarships, guidance, leadership, and collective responsibility to the fraternity. Our national website is You would be able to find information on the history, traditions, scholarships, and more on this website.

Our People

ATD’s governance structure includes a president, vice president, treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, marshall, service chair, philanthropy chair, fundraising chair, and historians.

Three Alpha Tau Delta members donating items, including blankets. The three members are darked haired women, wearing masks while obviously smiling. A nurse, dressed in blue, stands and smiles with them.

Our membership requires that you are a nursing student at the Valley Foundation School of Nursing. The best way to communicate with us would be through Instagram (@atdsjsu) or email at!

California Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA)

Create the Future by Leading the Way!

Our Mission Statement: We lead by example, creating a campus-wide community of politically conscious, technologically savvy, and socially aware nursing students. We foster the tradition of the student to the role of the professional nurse through the development of leadership, activism, and advocacy. We support scholarship, volunteerism, and mentorship to influence nursing education and nursing care in California.

CNSA at SJSU is a chapter of the statewide California Nursing Students’ Association, which is a part of the larger nationally recognized NSNA organization. CNSA-SJSU is composed of nursing students who are passionate about getting involved, empowering others, giving back to the community, and making a difference. We offer a multitude of opportunities for growth through our mentorship program, guest speakers, junior officer program, and more. This is a valuable student nursing organization that you can add to your resume as well as speak about during future job interviews!

Public Health Nursing Club

Logo for the Public Health Nursing Club at SJSUPublic Health Nursing club (PHNC) is a student organization affiliated with the California Public Health  Association-North, a state organization focusing on Public Health. In PHNC, we aim to understand the various perceptions of illness, factors that inhibit individuals from achieving optimal health, and ways to encourage the desire within them to incorporate preventative health measures into their everyday lives. The slogan of the PHNC is “making strides towards a healthier tomorrow” and we strive to utilize the Health Belief Model in order to understand and to help resolve public health concerns within our San Jose State community and broader communities.

PHNC offers an ideal opportunity for students interested in public health and nursing, empowering our future nurses to become advocates for promoting health in their practice and mitigating public health issues in our communities.