- Mourtos, N.J., Couillaud, S., Carter, D., Hange, C., Wardwell, D., Margason, R.J.
Flow Visualization Studies of Jet VTOL models during Hover in Ground Effect [pdf]
NASA TM - 108860, January 1995. - Mourtos, N.J. & Margason, R.J.
Evaluation of a Prediction Method for V/STOL Aircraft Hot-Gas Ingestion
NASA TM - 103828, January 1991. - Mourtos, N.J. & Roberts, L.
Control of Vortical Separation on Conical Bodies [pdf]
Ph.D. Thesis, Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford U.,
also Joint Institute for Aeronautics & Acoustics TR 78, Stanford U.
and NASA CR - 181206, June 1987. - Mourtos, N.J. & Tavella, D.A.
The Aerodynamics of Delta Wings of Elliptical Cross-Section with Separated Flow [pdf]
Joint Institute for Aeronautics & Acoustics TR 69, Stanford U. and NASA CR - 182762, December 1985. - Mourtos, N.J.
Flow past a Flat Plate with a Vortex / Sink Combination
Joint Institute for Aeronautics & Acoustics, TR 58, Stanford U., September 1984. - Mourtos, N.J.
The Aerodynamic Design of a Remotely Piloted Vehicle
B.S. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, U. of Patras, Greece, June 1980.