Academic Integrity Violations

To learn more about San Jose State University’s policies, processes and on-campus resources regarding academic integrity please review the information in the links below.

Message from the Director of International Student and Scholar Services 

 The office of International Student Scholar Services (ISSS) understands the many challenges international students face when studying in a new country. ISSS’s role is to provide you with the tools to successfully navigate the student experience while staying within the guidelines of the University policy. Paying attention to and following the SJSU policy requirements is essential to making your experience at SJSU a successful one.

Understanding Academic Integrity

Reasons for Academic Integrity Violations

Preventing Academic Integrity Violations

Contact Us

San José State University

One Washington Square
Student Union - CPGE
San Jose, CA 95192-0135

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9am – 4:30pm

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