
Each year, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics awards scholarships to deserving mathematics majors and graduate students. The purpose of these awards is to encourage academic excellence by honoring our best students. These scholarships are funded through donations by friends of the department. Information and application forms are available in the spring semester and scholarship winners are honored at a reception. The Department of Mathematics Scholarships were first awarded in 1983. Each year, mathematics faculty members contribute to this fund to honor academic achievement and encourage further academic studies.

To apply for the scholarship, you submit an online application (linked on this page when it appears). The one form will automatically apply to all scholarships. Together with the filled out form you will need to submit your (unofficial) SJSU transcripts and the names of three faculty members that are willing to provide letters of recommendations for you. It would be a good idea to contact these professors ahead of time, to ask if they are willing to write you a letter. 

Eligibility Criteria

The criteria for eligibility are:

  • You must be a math major.
  • You must have taken at least one upper division or graduate course in the Mathematics Department; (if you are a graduate student, you must have taken at least three graduate courses in the Mathematics Department)
  • You must be enrolled at SJSU in the semester preceding the awards.
  • Master's Programs: MA Math, MS Stats, and MS (Applied) Math. Requires 9 credits of completed graduate coursework and a GPA of at least 3.5.
  • Single-subject teaching credential (in Mathematics). Must be a full-time credential student (interns are ineligible) with at least a B average.
  • Prep-for-Teaching major. Requires at least one upper division math course completed and at least a B in all math courses.

The Scholarships