IRSA has implemented improvements to our data infrastructure that allow the academic
organizational hierarchy to always be up-to-date in our data views. As a result you
may see minor changes to the data on the university dashboards.
San José State University offers around 2,400 courses and 5,400 course-sections a
semester. These dashboard provide summary data of SJSU's students, faculty, and employees.
Throughout these dashboards, view the number of courses and sections offered, daily
enrollment updates, grade distribution by semester, and the Induced Course Load Matrix
(ICLM), which is a matrix that shows the enrollment distribution across colleges and
course prefixes.
For all faculty, only headcount and full-time equivalent faculty (FTEF) are reported.
Full-time equivalent students (FTES) and student-to-faculty ratio (SFR) are available
only for the instructional faculty dashboards.
RDEs are submitted to departments in the Program Planning Curriculog form and saved
in the Program Planning and Records folder (access only granted to department chairs; the Program Planning Committee; and, assigned faculty, staff, and appropriate administrators).
San José State University supports approximately 33,000 regular session students and
about 3,000 special session students enrolled in degree and credential programs. Throughout
these dashboards, view the number of applications, student enrollment data, degrees
awarded, and retention and graduation rates.