Admitted Spartan Day

Welcome to the College of Social Sciences! 

Sammy Spartan

Welcome Future Spartans! 

We are excited to meet you on Saturday, April 12 for Admitted Spartan Day!

View CoSS ASD Program [pdf]

Advising Open House

Meet your GE Advisors! Come by your Student Success Center at 11:00am before heading to the Department Open Houses! Advisors will be there to welcome you, provide information on what Advising looks like at SJSU, and how our Success Center can support you in your academic journey!

Snacks will be provided.

11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Clark Hall (CL) 240

Department Open Houses

Meet faculty in your major, learn about classes, student opportunities, and how to get ready for Fall 2023!

Department Open House is available from 12:00 - 2:00 pm, with presentations at 12:00pm and 1:00pm.

*view the interactive map below by clicking on the buildings or download our program for open house locations.

African American Studies
Chicana and Chicano Studies
Department Representative

Travice Boyce

Dr. Travis Boyce
Open House Location
WSQ 216
Department Representative
Charlotte Sunseri
Dr. Charlotte Sunseri
Open House Location
CL 469
Department Representative
Ella Diaz
Dr. Ella Diaz
See you at the Resource Fair!
Communication Studies
Environmental Studies
Department Representative

Jen Morrison

Dr. Jennifer Morrison
Open House Location
HGH 229
Department Representative

Matt Holian

Dr. Matthew Holian
Open House Location
DMH 149B
Department Representative

Katherine Cushing

Dr. Katherine Cushing
Open House Location
WSQ 115
Justice Studies
Political Science
Department Representative

Libra Hilde

Dr. Libra Hilde
Open House Location 
DMH 135
Department Representative

Paul Knepper

Dr. Paul Knepper
Open House Location
MH 526
Department Representative

Lawrence Quill

Dr. Lawrence Quill
Open House Location
CL 412
Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Science
Urban and Regional Planning (Geography)
Department Representative
Evan Palmer
Dr. Evan Palmer
Open House Location 
DMH 150
Department Representative
Natalie Boero
Dr. Natalie Boero
Open House Location 
DMH 241
Department Representative
Dr. Bo Yang
Open House Location
WSQ 113

Explore the College of Social Science with us!

RSCA Student PresentationsAnthropology Field TripChicana Chicano Studies PhotoshootClassroom Communication      
Economics conferenceEnvironmental field tripHistory talkJustice Studies Workshop      
Political Science VotePsychology GraduationSISS Pow wowUrban Planning