Our Strategic Plan

In 2023-2024, the College of Social Sciences, faculty, staff, students, and alumni engaged in a strategic planning process to develop a vision, mission, and strategic priorities to guide our work.

  • Identity Statement
  • Three Priorities
  • Strategic Planning Committee


The College of Social Sciences supports students and faculty to be change leaders through critical inquiry, interdisciplinary collaboration, and community engagement to build a prosperous, just, and sustainable future.

Strategic Priorities

Be Visible

We dedicate attention and resources to critical social problems and their solutions by articulating our contribution and spotlighting our programs. 

Be Interdisciplinary

We collaborate across diverse disciplines, discourses, and contexts of learning in the social sciences by facilitating inclusive opportunities for collective action and impact and working to instill a sense of community spirit and belonging in our students, staff, and faculty. 

Be Engaged

We partner with the community, government, and private sector to realize the impact of our work through strong alumni connections, meaningful community relationships, and government and industry partnerships.

Strategic Plan Committee

  • Rahel Adebabay, Student, Global Studies
  • Travis D. Boyce, Department Chair, African American Studies
  • Jennifer Brennan, Alumni, Psychology
  • Benoit Delaveau, Senior Lecturer, Environmental Studies
  • Erika Carillo, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
  • Alberto Garcia, Assistant Professor, History
  • Oona Hatton, Associate Professor, Communication Studies
  • Yasmin Holt, Staff, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  • Sarah Kam, Staff, Dean’s Office
  • Paul Knepper, Department Chair, Justice Studies (Chair of Committee)
  • Kelly Snider, Lecturer, Urban and Regional Planning