Recognizing the Class of 2020
Sent: April 8, 2020
From: President Mary A. Papazian
Dear campus community,
As the graduating Class of 2020 enters the final weeks of the semester, we have all learned to adapt to the rapidly changing environment. I am proud of all our students and especially those about to graduate who are taking the final steps toward their degrees amid extraordinary circumstances.
It is critical that we recognize the achievements of our graduates. To do that, San Jose State will offer several ways to honor the Class of 2020.
On Friday, May 22, we will launch an online recognition experience that will allow graduates to share their celebration with classmates, family and friends. Spartans everywhere will cheer their achievements, as well. This summer, graduates will receive their diplomas in the mail.
Each of these graduates has earned the moment when their name is called and they cross the stage. A virtual experience cannot replace that event. Therefore, we will welcome those graduates who wish to do so to participate at either the Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 ceremonies. For each student and their family, we know circumstances will vary and so it is important to provide the choice of events to best suit their individual situation.
This week, Spring and Summer 2020 graduates will receive an invitation to submit a photo and information for the virtual recognition. We also will be launching a survey to collect interest for the opportunity to return in December or next May for the in-person ceremonies to help in planning with the full understanding that circumstances for our graduates may change.
This is one of the most challenging times our nation, and indeed the world, has ever faced. The strength, perseverance and determination our soon-to-be graduates are displaying on a daily basis is amazing. I hope they will continue to work with the dedicated faculty and staff, their classmates, family and friends to finish the semester strong.
We look forward to honoring each of these students as a graduate of San Jose State University and celebrating the achievement for which they have been working so hard.