Submit your Portfolio Entry to an Assignment within Canvas

This guide will walk you through the steps to submit an assignment within Canvas that is currently being showcased as an entry in your portfolio on Portfolium.

Step 1: Enable Sharing for your Portfolium project.

Please make sure the below settings are correct for your Portfolium project before submitting the assignment.

  1. The project can be published in below different modes while creating it on the Portfolium portal:
    • Public: Visible to all.
    • Portfolium Members: Visible to only people on the Portfolium.
    • Connections: Only to your Portfolium connections.
    • Private: Private to you. Only visible to people you share the link with.

  2. While Publishing your project Click on Visibility Options.
    PortfoliumPic 1

  3. Select the desired level of visibility and click on done. Please refer to the screenshot below:
    Portfolium Pic 2

  4. You can also click on the share button later to change the visibility settings or get the shareable link in your project. Please refer to the screenshot below:
    PortFolium Pic 3

Step 2: Find your assignment within Canvas

Inside of your Canvas course module, click the Assignments link. canvas_submit_portfolium_01

You’ll see your assignments listed on the right: For example -> Final Capstone Project.

Click on the assignment to open the details page. Click the blue Submit Assignment button in the top right.


Step 3: Website URL

After clicking the Submit Assignment button, you’ll see that you’re prompted to enter a Website URL in the textbox. Copy your portfolio entry URL from Portfolium, and paste it into the Website URL textbox. You can also enter a comment in the Comments textbox below the Website URL textbox.



Step 4: Submit assignment confirmation 

Click the blue Submit Assignment button and you will see the confirmation page:


Great job! You’ve submitted your project from Portfolium onto Canvas.